Company Overview
FemtoScan Corporation, founded in 1990, has a highly dedicated
and knowledgeable group of professionals. Together they have more than
30 years experience in environmental research (chemical detection and monitoring)
and instrument development. Our company's main focus is to bring the world
of hyphenation to the marketplace by offering technology known as the AVS-TLGC
(Automated Vapor Sampling-Transfer Line Gas Chromatography). This technology
was developed by the founders while they were employed at the University
of Utah, Center for Micro Analysis and Reaction Chemistry, and FemtoScan
has negiotiated an exclusive worldwide license from the university.
The AVS-TLGC technology is now available in two forms:
The Enviroprobe module is a small (6x6x4), fast (1-30 second
analysis time), automated sampling gas chromatography system that is meant
to be a "front-end", add-on to a detector of your choice (MS, FTIR, GC,
etc.). By coupling the Enviroprobe to a detector, you will immediately
realize four key features of this technology:
you will have the capability of repetitive, automated sampling
directly from the environment of interest (i.e., "no more injections!")
utilizing our patented sampling introduction
method, the sample is directed immediately onto the capillary column
(no valves or absorption sites to contaminate or loose valuable sample
it's fast - near real time results, and
by combining the Enviroprobe with a spectroscopic detector
you will have the power of the "hyphenated" technique, bringing you two-dimensional
data for conclusive results!
The EVM II (Environmental Vapor Monitor) instrument incorporates
the features of the above described Enviroprobe technology with the powerful
technique of IMS (Ion Mobility Spectrometry) to produce the first truly
hand-portable, hyphenated spectroscopic technique in the world. Because
of the speed of analyses, the sensitivity and specificity of the instrument,
we believe the EVM II is well-suited to a number of application areas and
we are eager to get this instrument into your hand (only one hand necessary!)
to demonstrate its potential.
These instruments offer the user enormous gains in both
speed and sensitivity over competing technologies. However, it became evident
that a software package that could take advantage of these benefits was
urgently needed. HYPHEN is our answer to that
need. HYPHEN can display the data generated by hyphenated systems in multiple
dimensions and in real time!
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Additional links:
Product - Enviroprobe Module
Product - Enviromental Vapor Monitor (EVM) II
Product - HYPHEN Software
Technology - What is AVS-TLGC?
Application Note 9701 - Detection of Pesticide Vapors ...
Application Note 9702 - Examining the Analytical Capabilities...
Application - University of Utah Roving GC/MS and TG/GC/IR/MS
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If you have comments or suggestions, please email us at femtoscan.com
Copyright © 1997-1999 FemtoScan Corporation
Page last updated on 7/19/99